
When do you know if you need a consultant?

1. An outside objective opinion is needed.

2. The situation that needs to be addressed defies internal response.

3.  A problem has become so critical that it requires an immediate response.

4.  Your needs are only temporary such as those caused by rapid growth or external market forces.

5. You need a high level of expertise and it is not in your company's best interest to hire an employee with this knowledge and expertise.

Standards of Practice

  • Adheres to the highest professional standards and ethics.
  • Accurately discloses credentials, experience and education.
  • Avoids exaggeration of competency.
  • Undertakes only tasks for which he or she is qualified.
  • Distinguishes clearly between consulting services and the sale of products
  • Acts in a manner that reflects positively on their firm and on associates
  • Delivers the best value to all clients
  • Graciously honors all guarantees, warranties, contracts and promises.
  • Submits correct billing.
  • Does not co-mingle client property with their own.
  • Does not use any client-specific information to aid a competitor
  • Avoids any actual or apparent conflict of interest.

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